Thursday, February 17, 2011

New DVD Review- Buried

The movie Buried has a great name because if I owned it, you would definitely find it buried in my trash can.  That may be a little harsh but I felt like I wasted a good hour and a half of my life on this movie and I would like it back.  Does it give you a suspenseful feeling?  Yes.  Does it build up to a climax?  Yes.  Does it ever hit a climax?  Absolutely not.  The movie goes exactly where you think it's going to go from the first few minutes.  Buried stars only Ryan Reynolds since the whole movie was shot from inside of a coffin.  Now the idea of an entire movie being shot from inside of a coffin is cool but it wasn't executed very well.  And you might say "well it would be tough to make a good movie that never leaves a certain area" and you would be right.  But then I would remind you of a movie called Phone Booth which took place in a phone booth about the same dimensions as the coffin Mr. Reynolds was in.  And that was a very solid movie, which is saying a lot since it starred Colin Farrell. 
No fault on Reynolds part, he did the best anyone could do in this role.  It just wasn't a good role to be in.  As I heard it said "it felt like an elephant on your chest throughout the movie".  My problem is that the elephant neither removed its self nor crushed me in the end.  It just sat there.  So if you are intrigued by a unique movie about a guy in a coffin, watch Buried.  If not then I suggest taking it out of your queue.  My opinion of this movie is that it should receive 4 Ninja Stars out of 10.


DVD Review-Second Opinion

Generally, when a movie has very little plot, and is very predictable, I don't like it. And generally, when I can't give a real reason why I liked a movie, it means I didn't. For this reason Buried is a very hard film to process.  Ryan Reynolds gives a very solid non typical Ryan Reynolds performance. He spends an hour and a half talking to people on a phone, fighting sand and snakes, discovering uses for his few items, and getting the shaft from people he reaches on the phone. I only counted three Ryan Reynolds quips throughout the whole movie, which is saying something as he was in X-Men Origins for about 6 minutes and the count is easily in double digits. I give him a lot of credit for this performance as there was no part where you felt he was doing something the average person in this situation wouldn't do. Other than Reynolds' performance, I felt the film was suspenseful and well shot considering angles are at a minimum. Some things however did bother me with Buried, things like predictability and the lack of an ending that really did anything for me. I knew what direction the film was going, and was hoping to be surprised, however instead of that it went exactly where it looked like it was going. Without spoiling anything, I'll just say the ending was very typical of this type of film. As a viewer, your alright investing an hour plus into a movie where not a lot happens when you know they are going to wow you with the ending, but they did not wow me in the slightest. Also, while the idea of a whole film in a 2 x 6 box is unique and edgy, the film would have greatly benefited from some flashbacks or having the beginning set out of the coffin or some way of giving the viewer an idea of the character's outside world. Overall I thought Buried was a cool idea, and it would take a solid actor to pull it off, Reynolds' got the acting part right, but the film never left the cool idea stage. Its a movie worth checking out due to being so different from typical films, but thats about the only reason. I give Buried 5 Ninja Stars of 10.

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