Monday, March 25, 2013

50 Movies to See Before you Die – The Shawshank Redemption

As Maximus has pointed out, we are starting our trek through the top 50 movies you have to see before you die.  These are in no certain order and are not to be confused with the best movies of all time, though there would be many similarities were you to compare the two lists.  The Shawshank Redemption is one that most certainly would be one of those similarities.  If I had to guess, I would guess this movie makes 90% of the top 10 movie lists that have been created.  It is an excellent story filled with explicit details of life in prison with all the brutality and comradery that goes into serving a life sentence.

This movie started as a Stephen King thriller.  Unlike most Stephen King books, there is nothing supernatural about it except the will of an innocent man to make a life for himself in prison and never give up hope.  Andy Dufresne, played by Tim Robbins, is a framed banker whose wife was sleeping around and got shot while cheating on Andy.  Andy is such a distant type of person that he completely looks guilty and like a man devoid of emotions.  The movie continues on with narration by another inmate, Red, who is played by Morgan Freeman.  Without spoiling anything I will only continue by saying it follows Andy’s and Red’s interactions and hones in on an inmate’s chance at ultimate redemption.

I will be the first to say that I am not a Tim Robbins fan.  But I will also be the first to say that no one could have played this part better.  You never really like his character because he is distant and a little creepy but wow, do you feel sorry for the guy.  And even though he is not a character you would think to champion, you are totally rooting for him the by the middle and end of the movie.  Morgan Freeman, as we all know, has an excellent voice for narration.  Even though he is a character in the movie, he narrates at parts that are placed perfectly though out the movie because had it just been dialogue with the characters of the scene, it would not of had half of the impact that Morgan brings to you in his mellow voice while some horrific action is going to take place on screen. 

Not so well known Frank Darabont hit a home run directing this movie and was nominated for his Best Adapted Screenplay of the Stephen King novel.  He actually went on to Direct another Stephen King novel “The Green Mile” which was another excellent story which unfortunately didn’t make our top 50 list.  Composed by Thomas Newman, who was also nominated for Best Original Score, the score worked perfectly with the different emotions of the film.  Maximus mentions in his post about Saving Private Ryan that it was one of the biggest mistakes in Oscar history with it losing out to numerous different movies like Shakespeare in Love for Best Picture and Hanks to Benigni for Best Actor.  I completely agree with him.  But I do have to say that Hanks had a little redemption of his own back in 1994 with Forrest Gump as it dominated the Oscars the same year Shawshank was up for 7 different nominations.  Shawshank won none of them and Forrest Gump (which you will see later as it made the list) went on to win 6 including Best Picture and the Best Actor award for Tom Hanks.  If you were to put Shawshank in a different weaker year, I think it would have taken home at least a few awards.  But hey there is no shame losing to Forrest Gump in my opinion!

Alright, if you haven’t seen it, go watch it right now…I mean right now…what are you waiting for?  Now!!!!  If you have then share with us what you thought!


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