127 Hours is one of this years ten best picture nominees. Its a movie about a man who gets trapped while hiking and is stuck in a valley under a boulder for 127 hours. James Franco plays Aron Rolston, the man whose arm is trapped under the rock. For the majority of the film, it is only him on screen, and James Franco is terrific. The film is similar in tone to Buried with Ryan Reynolds, except it is executed with much more precision. If it wasn't for Colin Firth's terrific performance, I would say James Franco had the best performance of the year. The film is moderately tough to watch, especially the climax of the film where if you know anything about Rolston's story, you know exactly what he has to do to free himself. However the gore is done tactfully and in a way that makes you feel for Rolston more than be grossed out. Franco and director Danny Boyle worked closely with Rolston to make the film so it is done accurately and with a lot of respect for the real man. Overall it is a very suspenseful and adrenaline pumping movie despite only having one main character. I give the film 8 Ninja Stars out of 10 and recommend it highly.
- Maximus
127 Hours- Second Opinion
My thoughts are close to the same as Maximus's above. I enjoyed the movie (as much as anyone can enjoy a movie based around one man's painful experience) and would recommend it to viewers who do not have a weak stomach. It is gory and there are other parts that will make you squirm in your seat. Moral of the movie: Always tell someone where you are going and when you should be expected back! Franco does a solid job as does Boyle in making a movie very interesting which could have been very dull. In a year of good academy movies it's not among the top five but still very deserving of a place in the top 10. I would have to give it 7 Ninja Stars out of 10 (a very high 7 almost on the brink of an 8).
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