Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New DVD Review- The American

This week I sat down and watched The American.  They definitely didn't put any pride into that title since its excitement value would be more suited to The Antarctican.  Though this movie looked like an action packed assassin movie comparable to the Jason Bourne movies, it had very little action at all.  The trailer must have used all the action parts to fill the two minute time slot.  That all being said, if you go into this movie looking for more of a story line instead of action it might not be that bad.  The movie had its moments of not sucking and can be viewable for the most part.  It’s the 20-30 minutes of George Clooney looking at walls and countryside that really ruined it for me.  Cut that out, add a few more exciting parts (even if it’s only 1 or 2 minute spurts), and a little bit better explanation of the plot and then you have yourself a solid movie.  I would not recommend this movie unless a) you are a huge George Clooney fan and love any movie he is in (I'm that way with Gerard Butler movies so don't be ashamed) or b) your snowed in and it's on the only channel that coming in on your tv.  I would give it 1 Star out of 4 (and I always give at least one star fyi).  I know my counterpart feels a little different so make sure to read his review as well. 
Next New DVD Review- Machete.


1 comment:

  1. I suppose not seeing any trailers helped me out a great deal with this movie. I really enjoyed the American, and I don't think it's fair to compare it to the Bourne films just because Clooney happens to be a spy.

    I feel like this is probably much closer to what an actual spy's life may be like. I also thought the cinematography was stellar. I suppose you're right in that it isn't shot for the same crowd as the Expendables.
