Hugo is a reported Oscar favorite directed by the legendary Martin Scorsese, so what could go wrong?.....It was with this mindset that I went into Hugo, and then I was bored for an hour and a half before some semblance of a point finally showed itself in the last half hour. The film is about a young boy named Hugo, who lives in the Paris train station, keeping the clocks on time. Hugo is an orphan and is constantly on the run from the station inspector (Sasha Baron Cohen). When Hugo's father (Jude Law) was alive, they rebuilt an automaton, and the mystery of the movie is about what secrets this automaton holds and the search to find its key. From there it becomes a movie lovers film about movies, but doesn't do much to add excitement along the way. The film's humor works well but it used sparingly, and its two chase sequences are effective, but outside of those, the film is all about Hugo talking to various people about various things. Scorsese does get great performances from Ben Kingsley and Ray Winstone, but the film overall lacks any real entertainment. The best part about Hugo is its 3D, it is the best 3D I have seen since Avatar, and it is one of the few things that kept me from falling asleep. I give Hugo 5 Ninja stars out of 10.
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