Thursday, March 10, 2011

New DVD Review- Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps

Michael Douglas resumes his role as Gordon Gecko, the slick Wall Street wheeler and dealer who got locked up for 8 years for numerous offenses like insider trading.  This film takes place 7 years after he is released from jail.  He is still trying to be larger than life but doesn't have the funds he use to have.  Most of the movie though is based around Shia LeBeouf's character Jake Moore who is a Wall Street guy himself and engaged to Gecko's daughter.  Jake wants to meet the legend but his fiancé broke off all ties with her dad and wants nothing to do with him.  When another huge Wall Street tycoon, Josh Brolin, bankrupts the business Jake works for, he works with Gecko to get revenge. 

I actually enjoyed this sequel better than the original.  Not that it was amazing and it definitely wouldn't have been that good without the character building from the first movie but altogether I just liked it better.  And yes if you're wondering, Charlie Sheen does make a cameo as Bud Fox the man who helped put Gecko away for 8 years.  I thought LeBeouf did a good job and Douglas nailed the sell your mother for a dime type of character perfect once again.  Brolin helped this one become better than the original as well in my eyes.  So if you liked the first one definitely see this movie.  If not then it's still not a bad movie to pop in if you're bored.  I will give it a strong 6 Ninja Stars out of 10.


I was a big fan of Michael Douglas' performance in the original Wall Street just like most people were, however the movie was lacking for me. I went into Wall Street 2 thinking it was just another chance to see Douglas get crazy as Gordon Gecko again, but I found the movie to be an intelligent thriller far superior than the original. Shia LeBeouf actually displays leading man charisma here. He proves that he can do more than run and yell and try to be funny. Diomedes explained the premise very well in his review, so I won't add much to that, other than to say the romance feels pretty believable and the film echoes today's economy very well. The only gripe I have is the ending felt rather convenient and was moderately predictable. Basically Wall Street 2 is a movie that is based around conversations, and those conversations are for the most part thrilling. I give Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps 7 Ninja Stars out of 10.


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