Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Top Films of 2005

This is the 7th in a series of 12 posts discussing the top films of each year. Not necessarily the most profitable films or the best, but the most memorable.

10. Brick- While the film didn't make a dent at the box office, those who saw it know just how good it is. A noir thriller that is among the best in the genre, except its set in High School. The story of a shy young man trying to figure out who killed the girl he loved, JGL is exceptional.

9. Munich- Steven Spielberg returns to war in this film about a team of agents trying to find and assassinate a terrorist group responsible for bombing the 1972 Olympics. This is the film and performance that won Daniel Craig the role of James Bond, and while the film is not heavy on action, it is brutal when it has to be.

8. Jarhead- Very few films tackle wars similar to ones we are currently involved in, but Jarhead decided to throw caution to the wind and make a film about the first Gulf war. Jake Gyllenhaal gives a great performance as a soldier who can't find war despite being in the middle of it. You get great supporting performances from Peter Sarsguard and Jamie Foxx.

7. History of Violence- David Croneberg and Viggo Mortensen team up again to a film that is both brutally violent and shockingly sexual. The story of a normal man (Mortensen) who in the act of defending his small town restaurant, becomes a local hero. However that is a problem for him as he used to be an enforcer for his mob boss brother (William Hurt) and had been in hiding for many years. Ed Harris and Maria Bello bring great performances but the real story is Hurt, who was nominated for an Oscar even though he only had about 4 minutes of screen time.

6. Mr. & Mrs. Smith- Most people remember this film as the one that created the tabloid monster Brangelina, and destroyed Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston. However past that is a great film, full of terrific action, amazing chemistry, and surprising humor. Doug Liman likes to reinvent the action genre every few years as he did with The Bourne Identity, and he did it again here.

5. The 40 Year Old Virgin- Everyone remembers the chest waxing scene, but its just one of about a 100 that are etched into your memory after the film. The concept is simple, yet the film tells it in a hilarious yet honest way. This film showed everyone Judd Apatow would be a director to contend with in the coming years.

4. V for Vendetta- Most people refer to this as the "movie where Natalie Portman shaved her head" but its so much more. Based off a graphic novel, and more complex than most films can ever hope to become, V is a film that is loved by all who have seen it.

3. Sin City- Another graphic novel based film, this one with an all star cast of Bruce Willis, Clive Owen, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba, Rosario Dawson, Benicio Del Toro, Michael Clarke Duncan, Elijah Wood, and many more. The film tells three separate yet loosely connected stories of murder, betrayal, and relationships in Sin City. This was another graphic novel many considered not a realistic big screen option, but directors Robert Rodriguez, Quentin Tarantino, and Frank Miller proved them wrong.

2. Batman Begins- While The Dark Knight gets all the credit, Batman Begins is a perfect film. As a Batman fan, I was skeptical on how the director of Memento would do with the caped crusader, but my doubts were proven quickly wrong. Begins is only #2 on this list because many forget about it when the think of the series due to how perfect The Dark Knight also was, but I caution people to remember this film, as a decade from now we may wonder which is actually better.

1. King Kong- A remake of the beloved films by the director of the Lord of the Rings? No way this lives up to the hype right? It did. King Kong is every bit the accomplishment the LOTR trilogy was in its scope and execution. Perfectly cast and wonderfully made, King Kong was amazing in every sense of the word.

Honorable Mentions- Brokeback Mountain, Walk the Line, Syriana, Kingdom of Heaven, Redeye, Star Wars Episode III, Cinderella Man.


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